Dear homeowners,
This is Logan with Rosecrest Communities Master HOA. As the year winds down there are a few important things to keep in mind that we will go over in this letter. First and foremost, thank you for allowing us to serve your community. We hope we’ve done a good job in serving you and look forward to continuing that service into next year. Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.
Annual Meeting. The 2022 annual meeting will be broadcast on Zoom on December 1st at 7 pm. To register for the meeting, please visit A separate annual meeting notice will be emailed out in within the next few days and posted on
Annual Assessments. Please also be ready for the upcoming annual assessments that are due on January 1st. The assessment amount will be discussed in the annual meeting. Following the annual meeting an annual invoice will be sent to owners in December. If your Master HOA assessments are collected and paid through your Neighborhood HOA, you will not receive an invoice for the annual assessment.
Delinquencies and Collections. In 2020 and 2021, during the Covid pandemic, the HOA put a pause on normal delinquency and collection procedures. This year, the HOA has made a significant effort to catch up on its collection efforts and pursue delinquent accounts according to the HOAs collection policy. The HOA has also made significant efforts to audit its records to make sure that every email, property address, and mailing address on file is up to date and accurate. The HOA will continue its normal delinquency and collection efforts as it moves into 2023 to make sure that all assessments are paid in a timely manner.
Homeowner Portal. Every year we have a handful of Owners that do not receive the invoices or notices from the HOA. While there could be multiple reasons for this, we highly encourage owners to make sure your mailing preferences are set up correctly in the homeowner portal where you can elect to have different types of notices emailed or mailed to you. You can also reach out to management by email, phone, or text to make sure it is set up the way you like it.
Email Correspondence. Certain emailed notices, such as notifications, newsletters, compliance notices, design review notices, emailed statements, and other communications, sent through the HOAs accounting software will be sent from the following email address Please add this email to your contacts list along with
Repairs/Improvement Projects. The landscape maintenance season is coming to an end. You may see our crews out doing fall cleanups and blowing out sprinklers in preparation for winter. Also for your information, the following repairs/improvements are in the works for the HOA: (1) installing xeriscaping in the HOA strips along Juniper Crest Rd, (2) installing a back fence and planter bed and making other landscape repairs to the park on Thorley Dr at Driffield Wy, (3) installing a rock wall and fixing the grass areas along the rock wall and planting some new trees at Highfield Park, and (4) taking inventory of problem trees in park strips on main roads and at parks.
If you have any questions, please email, call (801) 316-3215, text (801) 923-2340, or visit Have a great holiday.
Rosecrest Communities Management Team
Call: (801) 316-3215
Text: (801) 923-2340